
Neo is an OBEX implementation for Newton devices running NewtonOS 2.1. It works over IrDA and TCP/IP.

  • Version: 1.0.1
  • Author: Eckhart Köppen
  • License: GPL 2.0
  • Download via SourceForge (ntox is needed as well)


Neo installs three OBEX transports (one for Bluetooth, one for IrDA, one for TCP/IP) which can be used to send and receive objects in the same manner as any other transport (e.g. email). IrOBEX is supported by most devices which have IrDA support and does not need to be configured. It requires Nitro on the Newton. OBEX over TCP requires a peer computer running an OBEX stack over TCP/IP, such as OpenOBEX. Bluetooth requires Blunt.

At the moment, data exchange is possible with objects that have a textual representation. In addition to that, IC/VC allows sending of Names and Dates objects as iCalendar and vCard data as well as importing iCalendar, vCalendar and vCard data.

Note that Neo does currently not check carefully for object sizes. Sending and receiving large objects might fail and crash the Newton.



Sending an object simply requires that the receiving device is ready (e.g. by enabling automatic reception or by connecting manually) and sending the object via the action menu of the application. The current implementation of Neo converts the object to text and sends it.


Receiving data via IrOBEX is controlled by the I/O box application of the Newton. Neo adds an option for this under the receive picker, the menu item name is “IrOBEX”. Reception starts as soon as the IrOBEX option from that picker has been chosen. As soon as Neo indicates that it is looking for a sender, data can be sent from the peer device. The received object can at the moment be put away to the Notepad if it is a text object. Support for other formats will be added.



Sending a data item wit OBEX over TCP requires a peer computer listening on the standard OBEX port (650). Neo asks for the host address in the route slip and connects to that host via TCP/IP.


Receiving is initiated via the “Receive” menu in the I/O box application. The menu item is named “TCPOBEX”. When selecting TCPOBEX, the first step is to initiate an Internet connection. Then, reception starts. Finally, any received items are placed in the Inbox.


The preferences setting for TCPOBEX contain regular transport settings, e.g. controlling the sending process and the put away mechanism.

OBEX over Bluetooth (BtOBEX)

OBEX over Bluetooth works like OBEX over IrDA. It requires however that the peer devices have been discovered beforehand using the Bluetooth Setup application.


  • 1.0.1: Added handling of OPML MIME types